How to get more views on YouTube Part 2

How to get more views on YouTube Part 2

Nov 29, 2022

YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing websites in the world. It has over 1 billion monthly views and 100 million subscribers. If you want to get more views on your videos, here are some tips that will help you do just that.

1: Create Interesting Videos

Creating interesting videos is one of the best ways to get more views on YouTube. Eye-catching visuals, captivating content, and professional production quality are essential for creating videos that will draw viewers in. It's also important to create videos that are relevant to your target audience and that are optimized for search engine results. By utilizing these tips, you can increase the chances of your videos gaining traction and getting more views on YouTube.

2: Create Engaging Titles

Creating engaging titles for YouTube videos is a great way to draw viewers in and get more views. Titles should be concise yet descriptive, and should accurately reflect the content of the video. Additionally, adding keywords related to the topic can help to optimize the video for search engine algorithms and increase its chances of appearing in search results. Incorporating creative techniques such as puns or rhymes can also make titles more appealing to viewers.

3: Create Engaging Thumbnails and Tags

The use of thumbnails and tags can be an effective way to increase the number of views your YouTube videos receive. Thumbnails serve as an appealing preview of what viewers can expect from your video, while tags are key words that help people find your content. When creating thumbnails, make sure they are eye-catching and relevant to your video's content. Additionally, be sure to include tags that accurately describe the topic of your video. Taking these steps can help you get more views on YouTube, as well as draw more attention to your content.

4: Upload at Least Once a Week

Consistency is key when it comes to increasing your views on YouTube. One of the best ways to do this is to establish a consistent upload schedule, aiming for at least one video per week. This will help your channel keep appearing in the recommended section for viewers and will also allow you to build an audience over time. Additionally, as you upload more content, you can create a backlog of videos for viewers to watch when they discover your channel. Establishing a regular upload schedule is one of the most effective ways to get more views on YouTube.

5: Create Searchable Descriptions

Creating searchable descriptions is an important part of optimizing a YouTube channel for more views. Descriptions should be detailed and descriptive, projecting the content of the video as well as any relevant keywords that potential viewers may search for. It is also helpful to include links to external websites or other videos, as this will increase the chances of viewers staying on the channel longer and increasing the overall view count.

6: Post on Popular Social Media Networks

One way to increase the number of views for your YouTube videos is by posting them on popular social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Not only can you reach a larger, more diverse audience through these networks, but you can also use the built-in analytics to track your videos' performance. This can help you understand what content works best for your viewers and when is the best time to post for maximum engagement. Additionally, you can use hashtags to increase the visibility of your videos and draw in more views.

7: Be Engaged with Viewers

Engaging with viewers is one of the most important aspects of creating a successful YouTube channel. Taking the time to reply to comments, thank viewers for their support, and acknowledge them whenever possible can help to create a loyal following of fans. Additionally, create content that is interesting and relevant to your audience in order to keep them coming back for more. This can be done by responding to viewer feedback and using it as inspiration for upcoming videos. Taking the time to engage with viewers can help to increase your YouTube views and build a strong community around your channel.


These are a few tips that will help you get more YouTube views. With these tips, you can see your channel grow and increase its reach!